Psiphas Psychological Application Ltd. was established in 1993. The company has many customers most of which are large organizations which employ 500 employees and more. Over the years, hundreds of thousands were tested and evaluated by Psiphas' products.

Psiphas is owned and managed by Dr. Peretz Socher and Avi Ben-Yehezkel (M.A.) psychologists with extensive experience in the areas of social-vocational psychology.

Dr. Socher completed his masters degree, cum laude, at the Department
of Psychology of Tel-Aviv University. He continued at Tel-Aviv University and received his
doctorate. Dr. Socher has extensive experience in the development of tools, applications
and diagnostic systems, selection and evaluation as well as in psychometric research and
applied social research. Dr. Socher served for many years as a vocational psychologist
in the Israel Defense Forces and as the "Head of Selection" in Military Intelligence.
Dr. Socher taught in the Tel-Aviv University School of Education between 1992 and 1997.

Dr. Socher is a specialist in Social-Vocational Psychology, a member of the Israel
Psychological Association, a member of the Vocational Section of the Israel Psychological
Association and a member of the Israeli Psychometric Association.

Avi Ben-Yehezkel received his masters degree in vocational
psychology from Tel-Aviv University and is a member of the Israel
Psychological Association. He has been involved, in the area of
vocational psychology, since 1989.

For many years Avi has been involved in the area of media
communication(news and social issues) with the Voice of Israel
and "Galei Zahal" – the army broadcasting station. Avi Ben-Yehezkal
has vast experience in building computer systems for the social
sciences, psychological-vocational research and vocational
evaluation and diagnosticis. Avi Ben-Yehezkal is a member of
the Israeli Psychometric Association.